Ladies, bring a finger food or movie snack to share and join us for “Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years”!
Pizza and Beverages provided. Please sign up on the Foyer table and bring a salad or dessert to share.
Join us for a potluck lunch after the morning service!
Join us to celebrate the coming arrival of Baby Field!
Join us to hear about the Starke’s mission trip to Cuba.
Join us to wish a “Merry Christmas” to our neighbors. We will meet at 3pm at the church. Afterwards we will have chili and the children will have the opportunity to take part in Christmas Crafts.
Join us to celebrate the New Year with games, a finger food fellowship and a regift exchange. Please bring a finger food to share. Sign up on the foyer table or send an email to let us know you are coming.
Join us for a dessert fellowship to hear how God is ministering to the refugees in Clarkston, GA through Envision Atlanta from our missionary Anna Holmes.
Rev. Tom Flanders, C&MA Southeast Superintendant, will join us in the AM service to officially install Pastor Randy as the HBC Senior Pastor.
Join us after the service to celebrate with a potluck lunch. Please sign up on the foyer table and let us know what covered dish you’re bringing.